There are many occassions to buy someone a piece of stunning jewelry. Whatever that occassion may be, make sure you know who exactly you are purchasing the jewelry for. If it is not for you, remember you are shopping for them and what they like and not shopping for yourself.
Use a toothbrush and small bit of toothpaste to clean your precious gems. This works really well on diamonds. The toothpaste is a non-abrasive scrubber and the toothbrush is small enough to get into those little nooks and crannies. This method is safe to use as often as you like.
If wearing earrings makes your ears feel itchy or irritated, ensure that you buy nickel-free jewelry in the future. Nickel is often used in inexpensive costume jewelry, but it can be very irritating to some people. Look for earrings with solid gold or platinum posts for the most hypoallergenic option.
Don’t buy novelty jewelry unless you know for sure that the person you’re buying it for will like it. If your wife is a fan of Sleeping Beauty, then a dwarf pendant is an appropriate gift. Don’t just buy an item of jewelry because it’s cute, make sure it’s appropriate, too.
To open a jump link when making chain jewelry, hold the jump link steady with pliers your left hand, and grip the opposite side of the opening with pliers in your right. Gently twist your hands towards each other. This twisting action helps the jump ring maintain its circular shape without distortion, which will occur if you try to push the sides together without twisting.
You did your due diligence. You knew why and who you were buying that piece of jewelry for. The time and effort you put into shopping were well worth every minute knowing that the recipient of that stunning item would absolutely love the level of taste and style.