The world of jewelry is full of opportunity. Knowing about the different materials that are used in jewelry, and their worth, can help immensely. Without the proper knowledge, a shopper risks paying too much for a piece. Find out how to make sure you get your money’s worth with the helpful advice in the article below.
To keep your jewelry looking attractive, polish it regularly using a cloth made especially for this purpose. These cloths can replace the need for chemicals or solvents during the process. You use the special cloth to polish your jewelry just like you would polish your silverware. Use a two-sided cleaning cloth, one for polishing and one for shining.
Never store your jewelry in open air or humidity. Keep them stored safely in a closed, dark area, like a jewelry box or drawstring bag. Humidity and air tends to cause precious and non-precious metals to tarnish. It’s possible to restore precious metals through polishing, but lesser-quality metals may suffer permanent damage.
Quality jewelry should stay beautiful forever. It is important to invest in a quality piece of jewelry, so only work with respected and reputable jewelers. A high-quality piece of jewelry should be well-made and show superior craftsmanship. The person selling the piece should know its history, including who made it and the source of the stones. Put effort into your choice, so you can be sure that the piece will last generations.
If you buy jewelry from a jewelry store, ask if they offer insurance. If your jewelry gets damaged or broken, you can come back to the store and have it repaired or replaced. You can even find insurance on jewelry pieces that were stolen or misplaced.
Consider the stones whenever you buy jewelry. Purchase stones that are a reflection of you who are, and match your skin tone as well. Choose neutral colors that will easily match any outfit you decide to wear. Do not buy something if it does not work for you.
Costume Jewelry
Costume jewelry needs special care. Many pieces of costume jewelry have the stones glued on, for example. Don’t immerse costume jewelry in water, and never wash costume jewelery pieces with harsh chemicals. Wiping it down with a damp, warm cloth and then drying it with another cloth is the best care for it. This will make your costume jewelry sparkle for weeks, months, or even years.
Accent a belt with a brooch to add more visual interest instantly. You can add it anywhere on the belt that you think looks good.
Makeup isn’t for jewelry. Let your makeup dry before you put on a piece of jewelry. The sparkle of a piece of jewelry is a magnet for loose or wet makeup, which will leave it tarnished and dingy. This is particularly important in the case of necklaces and earrings.
When you are ready to buy a piece of jewelry, think about what you are going to be doing with it. A big supply of jewelry that you never wear is of little use to you. As you shop for jewelry, try to envision whether you can see yourself wearing a piece with your current wardrobe.
If you are looking to sell jewelry online, ensure that the photos you use make the piece look attractive. This is very important because a customer cannot look at the jewelery if they are buying it online. Make sure that the pictures focus specifically on the piece of jewelry with a background that enhances its beauty.
A good quality clap is very important to any necklace or bracelet. You risk losing an expensive or sentimental chain or gemstone pendant if the clasp is too loose. You can get a safety clasp to keep costly necklaces and bracelets from falling off and becoming lost. With the most expensive items of jewelry, some people will use two or three clasps for extra security.
If you want to spend a lot of money on some jewelry, then make sure to buy a piece that will last a very long time. Although more expensive jewelry is normally high quality, there are other factors to consider. Although something may be in style now, it may seem tacky after a few years. Be on the lookout for something timeless and classic.
Sometimes, you may find difficulty displaying your jewelry properly at a craft sale or flea market. Always try to be as creative as possible, as this will draw the most eyes to your display. Racks, baskets, boxes and stands can all be used as jewelry displays.
The birthstone for the month of July, popular rubies were once believed to possess magical powers. Even though genuine rubies are consistently red, there are many different shades, ranging from a light pink to a deep, dark red. In addition, they’re very durable and can resist various chemicals. Both their appearance and their toughness make them perfect to use in jewelry.
It’s a real challenge to pick out a natural ruby or sapphire from an artificial one. The chemical and physical composition of natural and artificial stones can be identical, but the man-made ones are manufactured for a small percentage of the price of a natural flawless gem. Find a reputable, knowledgeable person to take a look at a stone prior to purchasing it.
If you have small pieces of jewelry from your childhood that you’d like to keep wearing, layer them with more mature pieces. Add a solitary pendant to a grouping of other necklaces that are done in the same tone or style.
Hopefully you can take this advice and use it to make your next jewelry purchase a memorable one. By implementing these suggestions, your next trip to the jewelers should save time and money.