Monthly Archives: January 2021

29 Jan

Top Tips To Find The Best Jewelry For Your Sweetheart

There are many different designs, colors, and materials available for jewelry, and it can be overwhelming at times. The information below can get you started on choosing a jewelry item you are bound to cherish.

Use a polishing cloth for all of your jewelry pieces. You can keep your items shiny without using chemicals. Simply use the two-sided polishing cloth to polish your jewelry the same way you would polish a glass. Use one side of the cloth for polishing, and the reverse to make it sparkle.

Avoid harsh chemicals like bleach, ammonia and acetone that may permanently damage your jewelry. Chemicals can eat away the stones or enamel on your stones.

Jewelry should be stored in an air-tight and humid free area. It’s best to store it in a closed box, like a jewelry box, or a drawstring bag. Certain metals will be tarnished when exposed to humidity or …

01 Jan

Wedding Planning Tips For Busy Brides And Grooms

Almost everyone looks forward to their wedding day with great anticipation. They, as do you, want it all to be perfect and dive right into the process which can be a daunting task without a little help.

Set a date outside of the wedding season. The wedding season is traditionally from May through September. Wedding venues are usually more expensive during this time. If you need to book during this time, make sure you book far in advance to get the best deal.

Remember to consider how you would like the alcohol at your reception served, and how much it will cost. An open bar that is available all evening can quickly become a very costly endeavor. Ask the venue you’re thinking of having the wedding at about the different types of alcohol they serve, and what they have in stock.

Personalize your wedding with intricate details of the course …